Panduan diet secara online bersama Rx-Lite - Revolusi Baru Pelangsingan Badan yang menyihatkan. Kecapi berat badan ideal anda hari ini juga !!!

Online diet guideline with Rx-Lite - A New Revolutionary Slimming Therapy. Achieve Your Ideal Body Weight Today!!!

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Rx-Lite merupakan inovasi terbaru formulasi doktor perubatan & 'Cancer Survivor' yang tersohor di Malaysia iaitu Dato Dr. Noordin Darus. Beliau yang merupakan seorang pakar diet & pemakanan yang terunggul suatu ketika dahulu merupakan seorang pelatih kepada atlit-atlit tanah air dan merupakan bekas Pengarah Perubatan Majlis Sukan Negara. Beliau lebih dikenali dengan penggilan 'Doktor Sukan'. Beliau-lah yang memberi panduan diet & teknik bersenam yang betul kepada atlit2 kebangsaan yang terkemuka seperti Misbun, Razif & Jailani Sidek, Nurulhuda Abdullah dan ramai lagi atlit2 negara. Malah anak beliau pun kadang-kadang berkesempatan berlatih dengan atlit-atlit ini.

Program pelangsingan beliau iaitu 'Slim For Life' merupakan suatu program yang terkenal dan diikuti oleh pelbagai institusi kerajaan, firma-firma dan badan-badan tertentu. Beliau sering muncul di kaca TV dalam program 'Mari Bersenam' di TV1 setiap pagi jam 7.30am sekitar tahun 80an dahulu.

Kini, dengan kepakaran yang ada, beliau telah mencipta formulasi Rx-Lite untuk setiap orang yang bercita-cita untuk mendapatkan berat badan & bentuk tubuh yang ideal dengan cara yang menyihatkan. Ia mengandungi bahan-bahan aktif semulajadi yang membantu anda membakar lemak dan menghilangkan berat badan berlebihan.

Sambutan yang diberikan kepada 'kelahiran' Rx-Lite, produk terbaru WorldWellness Network benar-benar di luar jangkaan...!!! Ramai yang telah mencuba dan respon yang diberikan menyatakan bahawa kesannya amat bagus dan mereka berpuas hati dengan Rx-Lite.

Rx-Lite adalah produk pelangsingan yang sangat efektif, sedap, murah, praktikal serta yang paling penting TIDAK MEMPUNYAI KESAN-KESAN SAMPINGAN ATAU BERLAWANAN sebagaimana yang terdapat dalam kebanyakan produk pelangsingan yang lain. Formulasi Dr. Noordin Darus yang pakar dalam preskripsi pemakanan dan diet atlit-atlit kebangsaan ternyata berbeza yang mana tiada rungutan yang biasa didengari oleh pengamal produk pelangsingan seperti mual, loya, pening, buang air dan sebagainya.

Rx-Lite tidak akan menjadikan kulit kita mengeleber setelah turun berat badan & tidak menjadikan muka kita pucat lesi kerana kekurangan air/lemak kerana kurang makan, bukan kerana pembakaran lemak semulajadi. Itulah konsep di sebalik Terapi dengan Rx-Lite ini. yang unik atas segala keunikan produk ini ialah ia diproses dengan perantaraan Rx-Water, air Terapi berpenawar yang bersifat anti-Kanser.



Rx-Lite mengandungi bahan-bahan utama iaitu Carcinoga Cambogia, L-Carnitine - dua bahan yang telah terbukti secara saintifik membantu membakar lemak. Selain itu, ia diproses dengan medium Rx-Water yang menjadikannya berAura.

1. Bagaimana rasanya?

Tidak seperti minuman pelangsingan yang lain, Rx-Lite mempunyai rasa koko semulajadi dan tanpa pengawet. Kalau hendak dibuat perbandingan, rasa dan teksturnya tidak ubah seperti Milo kurang manis.

2. Bagaimana cara penyediaannya?

Rx-Lite datang dalam bentuk sachet pracampur, jadi anda hanya perlu bancuh ke dalam 150 ml (cawan kecil) air panas atau sejuk (jika sejuk, gunakan Rx-Lite Shaker yang datang percuma dengan setiap pembelian Pakej Copycat Rx-Lite).Rx-Lite juga boleh dibancuh bersama susu, soya malah boleh dibuat "shake" buah-buahan seperti pisang untuk rasa yang lebih mengenyangkan.

3. Bagaimana ia berfungsi?

Rx-Lite mengandungi bahan-bahan utama iaitu Carcinoga Gambogia, L-Carnitine - dua bahan yang telah terbukti secara saintifik membantu membakar lemak. Bahan Carcina Gambodia ini sebenarnya lebih dikenali oleh rakyat Malaysia sebagai Asam Keping yang digunakan sebagai perisa masakan.

Bahan utama lain pula ialah L-Carnitine yang merupakan sejenis zat yang membantu menukarkan lemak kepada tenaga. Carnitine sebenarnya dihasilkan oleh tubuh kita di Hati & Ginjal dan disimpan di otot tulang, jantung, otak & sperma. Sesetengah orang boleh kekurangan Carnitine kerana tubuh mereka tidak menghasilkan cukup Carnitine atau pemindahan ke tisu-tisu supaya boleh digunakan. Sesetengah penyakit atau medikasi juga boleh menyebabkan kita kekurangan Carnitine ini. Carnitine juga bertindak sebagai anti-Oksidan. Secara semulajadinya, ia terdapat di dalam buah Avocado, susu ibu, produk-produk tenusu, daging Merah (terutama Kambing & Lembu) serta Tempe (kacang Soya yang diperap). Kekurangan L-Carnitine boleh menyebabkan Keletihan, Kekejangan Otot atau Penurunan kadar Gula dalam darah. Selalunya para atlit yang pergi bercuti ke luar negara 'makan angin' untuk beberapa hari atau minggu setelah menang perlawanan, badan mereka akan mudah 'naik' jika mereka tidak ikut rutin rejim senaman dan latihan seperti biasa. Apa yang akan Dr. Sukan seperti Dr. Noordin Darus 'prescribe' untuk mereka ialah L-Carnitine. Ia membolehkan mereka mengurangkan kandungan lemak dalam tubuh mereka dengan kadar cepat sebelum bersedia untuk acara sukan atau perlawanan yang akan datang. Inilah uniknya Rx-Lite. Ia dihasilkan oleh profesional yang menjaga orang-orang profesional (atlit-atlit kebangsaan)

Selain itu, Rx-Lite diproses dengan medium Rx-Water yang menjadikannya berAura.

Ia diadun dengan Koko asli (Flavoids) yang bersifat anti kanser melebihi teh. Dengan mengambil Rx-Lite sebelum sarapan & makan tengah hari, ia akan memberikan anda tenaga extra serta rasa kenyang yang asli. 2 bahan utama tadi akan mula bertindak membakar lemak berlebihan dari badan anda dan anda akan rasa badan lebih ringan tanpa ada kesan sampingan yang merbahaya. Sebaliknya anda rasa bertenaga dan sihat. Namun pun begitu, Dr. Noordin menyarankan agar kita mengurangkan 'portion' pengambilan karbohidrat seperti nasi semasa mengamalkan Rx-Lite. Sebaliknya, menambahkan 'portion' lauk-pauk kita termasuk sayur & buah-buahan. Anda akan dapat rasakan perbezaannya serta berpeluang mendapat berat badan yang ideal.

4. Berapakah sukatan yang diperlukan?
Bagi mereka yang ingin mengurangkan berat badan, adalah dinasihatkan anda mengambil minima 2x sehari dan maksima 3x sehari. Gantikan sarapan, makan tengah hari dan minum petang anda dengan Rx-Lite. Jika tidak tahan lapar, minum sebotol air bersih dan menyihatkan seperti RxWater atau ambil buah-buahan.

5. Siapa yang tidak boleh mengambil Rx-Lite?

Rx-Lite tidak sesuai bagi:

-kanak-kanak di bawah 12 tahun,
-ibu mengandung,
-mereka yang mempunyai sejarah sawan
-mereka yang mempunyai masalah jantung yang kronik
-Ibu yang menyusu tidak digalakkan mengambil Rx-Lite walaupun kandungan L-Carnitine tidak banyak sehingga memudaratkan. Ini kerana setiap individu mempunyai tahap penapisan yang berbeza-beza. Bagi kebanyakan ibu menyusu, kandungan kimia tidak akan sampai ke susunya, tetapi terdapat kes-kes di mana badan ibu gagal menapis dan mudah menyerap ke dalam susu.


Get your ideal body weight today with the latest product from Copycat PackageNetwork - Rx-Lite!

Rx-Lite is the latest innovation formulated by Malaysia's famous Medical doctor & Cancer Survivor, namely Dato' Dr. Noordin Darus. He who is an expert on diet & a Wellness Guru, once used to be a coach to National athletes is a former Director Of Medical Counsellor for Malaysian’s Majlis Sukan Negara (Malaysia Sport Counsel). He is well known in Malaysia as 'Doktor Sukan' or Sport Doctor. He also famous with his Slimming programs specifically his 'Slim For Life' which is a popular program and was followed by various institutions, firms and many agencies. He frequently appeared on TV in the Malaysia's Morning Show program 'Let's exercise' on RTM1 every morning around 8am in the 80s. Now, with the existing expertise, he has created a formulation of Rx-Lite for every person who aspires to lose weight & the ideal body shape in a way that is healthy . It contains active ingredients that helps you burn fat naturally and lose your excess weight.

Frequently Ask Questions

1. How does it taste?
Unlike other slimming drinks,
Rx-Lite have a taste of a real cocoa and no preservatives. If you want to make a comparison, the taste and texture is almost the same as Milo, only less sweet.

2. How do I prepare it?
Rx-Lite comes in the form of sachets, so you only need to stir in 150 ml (small cup) hot water or cool (if cool, use Rx-Lite Shaker comes with every purchase of a Rx-Lite Copycat Package). Rx-Lite can also be mixed with milk, soy milk and also can be made fruit 'milk shakes' such as bananas & strawberries.

3. How it works?
Rx-Lite contains the main ingredients namely Carcinia Cambogia, L-Carnitine - two ingredients that have been scientifically proven to help burn fat.

*In Malaysia community, Carcinia Cambogia is well known as'Asam Keping' that is used as flavors in Laksa, one of favourite cuisine in Malaysia & Singapore alike.

A new study suggests that Carcinia cambogia extract, known for its weight-loss effects, also can reduce the damage that occurs in ulcerative colitis. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and ulcerative colitis are thought to result from a disrupted mucosal immune response. These conditions are characterized by oxidative stress and up-regulation of pro-inflammatory substances. In past studies, garcinia cambogia extract has attracted interest due to its ability to protect the gastrointestinal tract.

*L-Carnitine is a nutrient that helps the body turn fat into energy. It is produced by the body in the liver and kidneys and stored in the skeletal muscles, heart, brain, and sperm. Usually, the body can make all the carnitine it needs. Some people, however, may be deficient incarnitine because their bodies cannot make enough carnitine or transport it into tissues so it can be used. Some other conditions, such as angina or intermittent claudication, can also cause insufficient carnitine in the body, as can some medications. It increases the use of fat as an energy source by transporting fatty acids into the mitochondria, where they are ‘burned’ to release energy for body functions. It also act as anti-Oxydant. L-Carnitine is found naturally in avocados, breast milk, dairy products, red meats (namely lamb and beef), and tempe (fermented soybean product). A deficiency of L-Carnitine can cause muscle fatigue, cramps, or low blood-sugar levels. Normally for athlete, when they go for vacation or oversea trip and stop exercising for a couple of days, they will easily put on weight. What they will do is that they will take L-Carnitine supplement to burn the fatty build-up to make them ready for the next game or tournament. This is what sport doctor like Dr. Noordin will prescribe for them. They know best how much to prescribe and what type of supplement to give them.

In addition, Dr. Noordin processed with Rx-Water as medium that makes it produced Aura. He mixed it with original Cocoa (Flavoids) which is anti Cancer substance 3 times more powerful than tea. By taking Rx-Lite before breakfast & lunch at noon, it will give you extra energy and curb hunger. 2 main ingredients will first act was to burn excess fat from your body and your body will feel lighter side without a fatal impression. Instead, you feel energized and full. But even so, Dr. Noordin suggested that we subtract 'portion' of carbohydrates such as rice (which is our staples) while taking Rx-Lite therapy. Instead, add 'portion' of our side dishes including protein such as fish, meat, vegetables & fruits to replace the taken portion of our rice, noodles or bread. Carbohydrate rich foods is the main contributor to fat build up in our body. You will be able to feel the different and likely get the ideal body weight that you always wanted.

4. What is the necessary measure?
For those who want to reduce weight, you are advised to take at least 2x daily and maximum 3x a day. Replace breakfast, midday and evening by drinking your
Rx-Lite. If you can not bear hunger, drinking 500ml of cleaned and living Aura water such as Rx-Water, Rx17 water or fruits. Follow the diet method that Dr. Noordin taught at his 'Slim For Life' programs which is
  • Breakfast like a Pauper
  • Lunch like a King
  • Dinner like a Queen
  • Supper? Its a no no
5. Who should not take Rx-Lite?
Rx-Lite is not appropriate for:
  1. Children under 12 years old
  2. Pregnant mothers
  3. Those who have a history of convulsion or Fit
  4. Those who have chronic heart problems

  5. Mothers who breastfeed are not encouraged to take Rx-Lite although
  6. L-Carnitine content is not much and harmful. This is because every individual has different rate of reactions. For most mothers who breastfeed, the chemical content will not get to the milk, but there are cases in which the body fails to percolate mother and easy to absorb into the milk



Tips diet paling mudah... makan dengan kerap, tapi kuantiti sedikit. Jangan skip mana-mana meal sebab itu bukanlah cara yang baik untuk menurunkan berat badan. Kira pengambilan kalori juga sangat-sangat membantu dan kalau nak cepat kurus.. PASTIKAN AMBIL HANYA 1000 KALORI SEHARI...!!! Lagi satu, banyakkan minum air kosong :)

Rx-Lite datang dalam bentuk sachet pracampur, jadi anda hanya perlu bancuh ke dalam 150 ml (cawan kecil) air panas atau sejuk.

Rx-Lite juga boleh dibancuh bersama susu, soya malah boleh dibuat "shake" buah-buahan seperti pisang untuk rasa yang lebih mengenyangkan.




Harga :
1 kotak - RM138.00 (30 sachet)
2 kotak - RM248.00

Kos Penghantaran:
Semenanjung - RM6.00
Sabah / Sarawak - RM11.00


Lokasi SLIM-WITH-ME adalah di Kulaijaya, Johor Bahru, Johor Darul Takzim. Penghantaran Rx-Lite 'by hand' boleh dilakukan di kawasan sekitar Kulaijaya & Johor Bahru. Cas adalah tertakluk kepada lokasi anda :)

Bagi pesanan di luar kawasan terbabit, segala penghantaran akan dibuat menggunakan khidmat Poslaju.

Kos Penghantaran:
Semenanjung Malaysia - RM6.00 / 500g pertama
Sabah & Sarawak - RM11.00 / 500g pertama
**bagi berat melebihi 500g, cas tambahan tetakluk kepada kadar semasa Poslaju.

Bagi penghantaran ke luar negara, kos penghantaran akan diberitahu melalui e-mail sebelum pembayaran.

Emailkan pesanan anda ke atau dengan Subject: PESANAN RX-LITE. Sila nyatakan kuantiti yang dikehendaki serta alamat anda.

Pihak SLIM-WITH-ME akan menghantar e-mail untuk confirmkan harga yang perlu dibayar.

Masukkan duit ke akaun:
Maybank 1515 7509 7002 - NORAFESA BINTI SHAHARUDDIN

Emailkan butiran berikut ke /
1) Bukti pembayaran - Bank Transaction / Berikan Masa, Tarikh, Jumlah ~ nyatakan bayaran ke Akaun MBB atau CIMB
2) Nama Penuh & Contact Number Anda
3) Alamat Lengkap Penghantaran

Saya akan periksa bayaran masuk secara online.
Pesanan akan dipostkan setelah bayaran diterima sepenuhnya menggunakan perkhidmatan Poslaju dan anda akan dimaklumkan dengan tracking number sebagai rujukan.

Sebarang pertanyaan, sila hubungi :
017-6073815 / ym : norafesa79 /




Mudah sahaja untuk mengira pengambilan kalori setiap hari. Paling penting adalah disiplin dan keazaman. Rancang apa yang kita hendak makan lebih awal. Nak lagi senang, buat satu buku 'Diet Diary', buat perancangan makanan untuk seminggu contohnya dan pastikan kita ikut apa yang kita rancangkan. Sebagai contoh, andaikata kita makan 3 kali sehari - Sarapan, Makan Tengahari & Makan Malam. Catitkan apa yang kita makan, dan jumlahkan kalori yang di ambil tadi. Pastikan kalori yang diambil adalah 1000 kalori :) Mudah, bukan?

Bagi pencinta makan segera, sekarang ini kebanyakan restoran makan segera ada menyediakan senarai Khasiat Pemakanan di restoran masing-masing. Anda juga boleh mendapatkannya secara online. Di sini saya sediakan sedikit contoh link untuk memudahkan anda :)

Kentucky Fried Chicken
Pizza Hut
Burger King

Selain dari itu, anda juga boleh memeriksa kandungan kalori dalam makanan pada label makanan yang dibeli.


1.Minuman berkarbonat 1 tin 285g - 120 kalori
2.Minuman kotak 250g - 105 kalori
3.Susu tepung penuh krim 1 sudu makan - 33 kalori
4.Susu tepung tanpa lemak 1 sudu makan - 25 kalori
5.Aiskrim 2 skoop- 390 kalori
6.Susu pekat manis 1 sudu makan - 71 kalori
7.Yogurt rendah lemak 1 cawan - 90 kalori

1. Tembikai (sepotong) = 20 kalori
2. Betik (sepotong) = 45 kalori
3. Pisang emas (2 biji) = 76 kalori
4. Durian (5 ulas) = 64 kalori
5. Limau (sebiji) = 42 kalori
6. Jambu batu (sebiji) = 110 kalori
7. Nenas (sepotong) = 59 kalori
8. Epal (sebiji) = 63 kalori
9. Ciku (sebiji) = 44 kalori
10. Mangga (sebiji) = 103 kalori

1. Nasi putih (satu setengah cawan) = 260 kalori
2. Nasi lemak bersambal (sepinggan) = 400 kalori
3. Nasi goreng bertelur (sepinggan) = 635 kalori
4. Nasi briyani berayam (sepinggan) = 880 kalori
5. Nasi minyak kosong (sepinggan) = 445 kalori
6. Nasi ayam kosong (sepinggan) = 300 kalori
7. Mee goreng kosong (sepinggan) = 660 kalori
8. Mee sup (semangkuk) = 380 kalori
9. Mee hoon goreng (sepinggan) = 550 kalori
10. Roti putih (2 keping) = 156 kalori
11. Roti canai kosong tanpa kuah (sekeping) = 200 kalori
12. Capati tanpa kuah (sekeping) = 180 kalori
13. Pau ayam (sebiji) = 203 kalori
14. Emping jagung kosong (secawan) =160 kalori

1. Ikan kembong kari berkuah (seekor) = 85 kalori
2. Ikan tenggiri goreng bercili (sepotong) = 142 kalori
3. Ikan kembong goreng (seekor) = 140 kalori
4. Ikan senangin masam manis berkuah (sepotong) = 210 kalori
5. Daging lembu kari berkuah (2 kotak mancis) = 130 kalori
6. Ayam kari berkuah (sepotong) = 250 kalori
7. Ayam goreng (sepotong) = 255 kalori
8. Ayam tandoori (sepotong) = 220 kalori
9. Sambal udang (setengah cawan) = 70 kalori
10. Sambal sotong (setengah cawan) = 55 kalori
11. Telor goreng (sebiji) = 110 kalori
12. Taukua goreng (sekeping) = 110 kalori
13. Kacang panggang dalam tin (2 sudu makan) = 40 kalori

1. Kasui dan kelapa parut (sekeping) = 160 kalori
2. Kuih lapis (sekeping) = 130 kalori
3. Bingka ubi (sekeping) = 220 kalori
4. Cekodok Pisang (sebiji sederhana) = 180 kalori
5. Popia goreng (satu) = 130 kalori
6. Popia basah (satu) = 95 kalori
7. Pisang goreng (sekeping) = 170 kalori
8. Kek biasa tanpa krim (sepotong) = 87 kalori
9. Karipap (sebiji) = 130 kalori
10. Sandwich sardin (sekeping) = 70 kalori
11. Bubur kacang (semangkuk) = 100 kalori

1. Peha ayam goreng (satu) = 130 kalori
2. Nugget ayam (satu) = 60 kalori
3. Kentang lecek (satu tub kecil) = 90 kalori
4. Sayur kobis hancur (satu tub) = 75 kalori
5. Burger keju (satu) = 425 kalori
6. Kentang goreng (satu kantung kecil) = 405 kalori
7. Sate ayam (secucuk) = 35 kalori
8. Pizza berkeju (sepotong) = 240 kalori
9. Kepingan keju cheddar (1 keping) = 58 kalori


from Mark Stibich, Ph.D., Health's Disease and Condition content is reviewed by Medical Review Board

Living a long, healthy life depends largely on what you put into your body over your lifetime. You can make simple changes that will help you develop healthy eating habits.

How to Use These Healthy Eating Tips

Browse through these tips and select 2 or 3 that you think will work for you. Write each on a card and it near your food as a reminder. Putting a card in the silverware drawer, in the napkin holder or on your place mat can be great places to remind yourself. Try the tip. If you like it, keep using it until it becomes a habit. If you don't like it, pick another one.

Treat it like an experiment where you can learn about yourself and your habits. Don't get discouraged -- keep trying.

Below are the tips broken down by category. Use this list or browse until you find something you like:

How You Eat
These tips focus on your eating behaviors and habits like speed, cleaning your plate and more:
Slow Down Your Eating
Watch Your Liquids
Chew More to Feel Full
Don't Drink and Eat
No Clean Plate
Count When Snacking

Mind Over Food
These tips look at ways you can use your mind to out-smart your stomach:
Food Thoughts Make You Hungry
Expect Unhealthy Food to Taste Bad
Avoid Using Food as Reward, Punishment, or Comfort
Control Food Decisions
Don't Diet: Change
Set a Pause Point for Cravings
Stop When You Are No Longer Hungry
Confuse Your Nose

Serving and Storage
These tips use your dishes, storage containers and pantry as your allies in eating less:
Move Your Food Around to Remind You About Your Goals
New Plate or Glass
No Bag Eating
Use Tall Skinny Glasses
Small Packages
See No Snacks
No Serving Dishes
Iced Drinks Burns 1 cal/oz Extra
Make It a Challenge to Get to Your Food

Food Choices
These tips look at ways to change what you eat:
Increase the Variety of Healthy Foods
Reduce the Variety of Unhealthy Foods
Make Healthy Food Look Smaller
Make Unhealthy Food Look Bigger
Dish Out 20% More Vegetables
Dish Out 20 Percent Less of Most Foods

These tips emphasize limiting distraction to help you focus while eating:
Do Nothing But Eat During Meals and Snacks
Watching TV and Eating Adds Extra Calories
Put Your Fork Down Between Bites
Eat Your Meals and Snacks at the Table
Slow Down and Pay Attention By Using Chopsticks


You are on your way to losing that excess kilos, now give yourself a helping hand.

Stress is not only bad for your health - it can spell disaster for your diet as well as you're more liekly to binge if you feel things are getting out of control. Set aside time every day - even if it's only 10 minutes - which is chill-out time for you alone. Read a book, sit quietly, reassess your goals, have a bath, write a letter... or do whatever makes you happy. exercise is also one of the best stress relievers, so take up a regular activity and if you feel things getting on top of you, try going for a brisk walk instead of reaching for comfort foods.

***Only weigh yourself once a week, at the same time on the same day. Your weight fluctuates a lot and you'll only get stressed if you seem to be putting on weight.

Research has shown that spicy foods boost your metabolism for hours after you've eaten. They're also a great way to add colour and flavour to foods, without the calories. But don't splurge on takeaway curries which are laden with fat, instead experiment with different spices when you're cooking - try adding fresh chopped chilles to soups and stir fries for a bit of extra zing!

***Treat yourself - a new haircut, lipstick or a facial will do wonders for your confidence and self esteem.

Give yourself something to aim towards will really help to motivate you. Write a list of things you're looking forward to doing when you've lost weight. When you feel yourself waning, read the list back and think about doing all those great things... do you really want that extra biscuit now..??

***Keep your diet-diary up to date - it's amazing how 'forgotten' snacks soon add up and find their way to your hips!


Turning up the heat in the bedroom will not only help you lose weight and tone up, it will make you feel happier, sexier - and put a smile on your partner's face, too! A 30-minute session will burn off around 200 calories - that's the same as swimming eight lenghts or doing 15 minutes of circuit training, but a lot more fun! It also boosts your immune system, reduces stress and encourages your body to release endorphins - the body's happy hormones - and at the very least it will take your mind off food!

Exercising will help you to lose weight quicker, and will also boost your metabolism and energy levels. Take evry opportunity to be active and fit exercise into your daily routine. Walk whenever you can, use the stairs instead of the lift - and make sure that you find an activity that you enjoy doing.

And being active doesn't have to mean slogging it out in the gym. Walking and cycling are great calorie burners and doing just a little but everyday will soon make a real difference, inside and out.


Congratulations, you have decided to lose weight, so how do you go about it? We want to make it simple by providing calorie-counted diets and recipes, and the nutritional knowledge to create your own healthy eating plan for life.


Find your healthy weight range on the chart and decide on a personal weight. Then check the box below. The figures assume you are exercising for 30 minutes, three times a week, which is what health experts recommend. If you don’t exercise, reduce these figures by 250 calories a day. If you follow this advice, you should lose around 0.5-1.0kg a week, which is safe and healthy.


We believe in the simple, scientific way to lose weight: counting calories. A calorie is a measure of energy in food. We all have a basic calorie requirement – the amount of food we need to eat to keep our weight stable. This varies a lot, but for women, it’s around 2,000 calories a day; for men, around 2,500. If you eat more calories than this, you’ll put on weight, eat less and you’ll lose weight – it really is that easy.

You can lose weight by simply eating less, but by far the best way is to eat less AND exercise, as regular activity helps to boost your metabolism, helping you lose weight – and keep it off in the long term.


As a nation we eat too much fat, which is contributing to a host of health conditions, heart disease. Although we recommend losing weight by managing your calories, we also suggest you cut down on your fat intake. It is recommended to get 33% of our daily calories from fat, but if you are trying to lose weight, you should aim for less than this – between 25-30%. Always check the nutrition labels on products and don’t fall into the trap of thinking low-fat means low calorie. Many foods, such as alcohol and sweets, don’t have any fat at all, but are full of calories, so be careful and take both into account.


Exercise is vital for good health and weight loss. Not only when you burn off calories while you’re doing your chosen activity, but it’s been proven that exercise boosts your metabolism in general, so you’ll burn off more calories even when you’re doing nothing!

Health experts recommend a minimum of 30 minutes exercise, three times a week. This should be a combination of cardiovascular exercise (anything that raises your heartbeat), such as brisk walking, aerobics, cycling, swimming or skipping, and resistance training (building and strengthening the muscles) such as weight training.

There are literally hundreds of classes to choose from these days, so it shouldn’t be hard to find something you enjoy doing, which is crucial if you’re going to keep it up! But if you can’t bear the thought of joining a gym or class, take steps to make your everyday life more active. Walking’s a really great calorie burner, as is gardening.


You’ve lost weight and now have fun doing all those things you’ve always wanted to:

1. Book a dream holiday – now you won’t be embarrassed to be in the photos!
2. Go clothes shopping – there’s nothing quite as satisfying as being able to buy a smaller size (and you won’t have to stick to ‘flattering’ black!)
3. Write us your testimonial and inspire others to achieve their goals.
4. Use your new confidence for a romantic night in with your partner. Buy sexy undies, light some candles and …
5. Feel proud. Losing weight is an achievement, for you and your health, so don’t feel shy about telling everyone you know!
6. Buy some new jeans – you won’t have to worry about being able to squeeze into them now.
7. Go to a spa for the day to pamper yourself as a reward for all your effort.
8. Have a makeover. Get a new hairdo, treat yourself to a professional make-up session or a fake tan at a department store. People will hardly recognize the new slim you.